Thursday, April 29, 2010

GOD works in amazing ways! Re-sign with Seattle and another WWU Vik signed.

Good morning!

As the saying goes, "God works in mysterious ways," this has been the case this week. As I mentioned in the last blog, the Seahawks contacted me during the draft last weekend and offered a spot in this weekends 3 day mini camp. I accepted the invite and began preparing for my trip back up to Seattle. On Monday morning coach Joe Marciano of the Houston Texans called and wanted to fly me out the next day for a tryout. I hopped on a plane early Tuesday morning in route for Houston.

The opportunity with Houston was tremendous. They currently have no long snappers on roster and are really looking for someone. I was very excited for the opportunity. On my way to Houston, I received a call from Seattle, it was my coach checking in on me. In the mean time my agent, Dave Canter, was updating Seattle with my workout with Houston.

I touched down in Houston after a long day of traveling. Houston really reminded me of Orlando, flat, marshy trees, and humidity. I got to the hotel, checked in, relaxed and headed to grab some dinner. Before I could enjoy the much needed meal, my agent was calling me. The Seahawks wanted to re-sign me right then and there. At this point my mind was on a roller coaster, I had just gotten pumped up for the mornings workout with the Texans and now I had to shift and make a decision. It wasn't a hard one to make. I was in Houston for no more than 3 hours before I became a Seattle Seahawk again. I was truly blessed and couldn't believe what had just taken place. I went back into the restaurant and enjoyed the meal with a smile.

Early the next morning I boarded a plane back home to the bay area. Last night I packed up some bags and now leave for Seattle this afternoon. What a couple days it has been! The 3 day mini camp begins Friday and goes through Sunday. This is a re-start to an amazing journey. I thank all my loving family and friends for their support! I also thank the Lord for blessing me with this opportunity and may I walk in the Lords light this weekend and enjoy every moment of it. God has a plan and I have a my full faith and trust in it. GODbless!

Link to press release

Another former WWU Viking signs with the NFL.

WR Jordyn Jackson of Eastern Oregon signed with the San Diego Chargers. Jackson started his collegiate career at WWU at running back and made the transfer to Eastern Oregon. Congrats to him and his achievements. Good luck Jordyn! Here is the press release.

Junior Aumavae reports to Dallas mini camp today as well. What a week for WWU football, may the program be restored very soon!

The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him. PSALM 28:7

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Back to Seattle, Aumavae signs with Cowboys

Hey everyone,

The 2010 NFL draft is now over and the free agent signings begin. What an amazing weekend it was. Yesterday I received the phone call I was expecting. Coach Brian Schneider, special teams coach for the Seahawks, called me during the 7th round of the draft. After some small talk, coach informed me that I would be coming to mini camp the following week. The opportunity has presented itself and prayers have been answered. I will be reporting to the teams 3 day mini camp this Thursday 4/29. I am very excited for the opportunity and feel very prepared. I want to thank everyone who has been there supporting me through the entire process! I love you all.

Some more great news came when my close friend and former WWU teammate Junior Aumavae was signed by the Dallas Cowboys shortly after the draft concluded. Junior signed a 3 year contract with Americas team and will also report to the teams mini camp this week. Good luck Big June and I am so very proud of you and excited for all of your family. GODbless. Here is the news link from the Cowboys official site.

I will continue to update the blog as mini camp arrives. I cannot wait to get back to Seattle and work hard. The hard work, determination and preparation continues. PPPPP

Thursday, April 22, 2010

2010 NFL draft week

Hey everyone!

Sorry it has been such a long time since my last blog. Ive dedicated this past month to rehab and training. Everything has been coming along great. I was medically cleared by Dr. Warren King 3 weeks ago and since then my training has picked up where I have left off. I have also been able to spend a lot of time with my family and friends who have helped me stay positive and patient throughout this process. Their love, motivation, and support has been quite the blessing that I've needed. The Seattle Seahawks have also been in contact with me this week. Prayers have been answered. A special thank you to the Coury family and Pastor Gerry Brown and his wife Peggy. I'm back and ready for the next opportunity. Take a look at a couple videos pre-draft videos I've made. (1) and (2)

Today is the start of the 2010 NFL draft. A very exciting time for many players and their families. Lives will be changed forever within these next 3-4 days. I look back at my experiences during the 2007 NFL draft and cant believe it has been 3 years! The last day of the 2007 draft was a day I will never forget. I was at at team BBQ with several of my teammates and coaches from WWU when I received the phone call from the Seattle Seahawks. It was a blessing to be able to share that day with all of them and to be able to call all of my family and friends back home to share the great news! Here is the link to the article from the WWU Athletics.

People ask if I will be drafted. The answer is no. The draft process is only for those college seniors or underclassmen. Now, following the draft is when teams fill the remaining roster spots with free agent players like myself. This is the first year that the NFL has spread the draft out into 3 days. Today 4/22 will be the 1st round, tomorrow 4/23 will be the 2nd and 3rd round and Saturday 4/24 will be the remaining 4th through 7th rounds. Here is the NFL draft schedule.

I would like to give my very good friend Junior Aumavae a shout out. Junior aka June is draft eligible this year and is a highly touted defensive tackle. Junior and I played at WWU together for two years and have shared many great memories together both on and off the field. When WWU had their football program stripped from them, he found himself at Minnesota State-Mankato. This past season he was an all-league selection as well as voted the newcomer of the league. June impressed many NFL scouts throughout his collegiate career and at his pro day earlier this year at the University of Minnesota. This week he has been receiving a lot of attention from teams so be ready to hear his name called on Saturday, if not he will quickly be signed! It is an exciting time for him and his family and Im very proud of him. What a day it will be if 2 Vikings get signed to the NFL on the same day. We may have to call WWU's president Bruce Shepard, who cut the football program last year, and get his opinion on the news! Good luck Big June, much love bro! Here are a couple photos of June and I.
Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3

Thank you all for your love, support and motivation. It means a lot and I am looking forward to posting a new blog shortly with great news. PPPPP

PSALM 37:4