Thursday, May 20, 2010

OTA's, off season program, events and roster moves.

Hey everyone,

The past couple weeks have been going by very quickly with the addition of OTA's (organized team activites aka practice) incorporated within the off season program. Each week we go through at least 2 OTA sessions. It is nice to get out on the field with the enitre team and all of the coaches and go to work. Each session is about two hours with offensive, defensive and special teams installations. Competition is at every position and it really brings the best out of each of us. The enthusiasm and intensity is very high out there and the chemistry amongst the team is tremendous.

This week the rookies arrived which added a lot more bodies to the team and it seemed as though we did not take a step back to get them up to pace with the rest of the team. It is crazy how fast you must catch on with the scheme of things! Next week we will have 3 OTA sessions and then take a week off.

The off season training program is still underway and we are in our 10th week. We get after it in the weight room and out on the field. Coach Carlisle, coach Jamie, and coach Gee are great strength coaches and the program is great. I think it is safe to say that every player can see positive outcomes from the program and it not only shows in the wieght room but out on the field. I love going to work everyday! It is such a blessing.

Video from OTA's day 3

C.A.S.T for Kids Foundation. Seahawks Fish and Feast

Last weekend I had the priviledge to participate in the annual C.A.S.T for Kids event held at the VMAC. There was about 10 of us players who participated and we each got paired up with a kid who had a disability and we took them fishing on Lake Washington. We were also paired with a pro fishing guide and a couple of sponsors and went out on the lake for about 2 hours. This was such an awesome experience. I was with a young teenager by the name of Andrew. Andrew was born with a leg defect which ultimately led to him losing his leg at a young age. Andrew and his mother came over from Bremerton to join us in the event. It was a very humbling experience to be with Andrew and to see how he views his life. This kid lives life with no holding back. He is still very active with a swim team and enjoys mountain biking. He is also a car enthusiast and plans on studying engineering in college. I wish Andrew the best of luck in everything he does and I know his positive attitude will take him far in anything he does.

After being skunked on the Lake with no fish or even a bite, we returned to the VMAC facility and went to the BBQ. The Seahawks drum line team was there as well as some cute Seagals. I was able to take Andrew and the rest of the group on a tour of the facility. I showed the the locker room, weight room and indoor field. Andrew and I spent some time throwing the ball around, that kid has an arm! After the tour we enjoyed a nice BBQ, auction, little autograph session and took some photos.

The C.A.S.T for Kids program is amazing. I really hope that I can participate next year. This weekend I will be going to the Seahawks boosters auction dinner. This will be another opportunity to meet some great people in the community and to involve myself in another off the field activity. It is truly a blessing!

Video from Seahawks fish and feast!

Roster moves

This week has been very busy with transactions. Every time a new player arrives, that usually means someone is gone. When this happens it really brings you back to the reality of the business and just how quickly things can change. I just have to keep the focused mind set and remember that I can only control what I can control. Everyday I must come in ready to work hard and have the mindset that "I WILL get better!"

Central Washington quarterback Mike Reilly was waived along with a few other players. Mike and I got to spend some time together and I was very greatful for that. He is a great player but most importantly a tremendous person and I wish him nothing but the best and I have no doubt he will be with another team shortly.

With the departure of Reilly brought wide reciever Marcus Maxwell and quarterback J.P. Losman. Maxwell and I played together last season for the Florida Tuskers in the UFL and we are also from the same junior college Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, CA. Marcus and I spent a lot of time together while in Florida and now its great to have him here in Seattle. J.P. Losman is also from the UFL playing for the Las Vegas Locomotives.

Article from Rotating the roster

The OTA's have been going really good and its such a blessing to be here. Im really looking forward to next weeks OTA's and getting some more great work in with the team and my coaches. At the end of the week I will be going back home to visit my family and friends and spending some time relaxing. I thank you all for following the blogs and the out pour of love and support has been and continues to be tremendous.

Thank you all and GODbless,

Matt Overton #48

With God, all things are possible! Matthew 27:57-61

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Former Central Washington QB Mike Reilly joins Seahawks

Hey everyone!

Some really cool news. Former Central Washington quarterback Mike Reilly was claimed off of waivers from the St. Louis Rams. Mike began his NFL career with the Steelers last year and has bounced around a bit spending time on the practice squads of the Packers and Rams. Now he is a Seahawk!
Press release: Life of Reilly

Central Washington was our rival and I played against Mike for 2 years. Unfortunately they beat us every year in the big rival Battle in Seattle game. It was always a close game and Mike always seemed to make the big time plays. Ive always admired his poise on the field and how he carried himself. He is a great guy and its great to have him here in Seattle.

Side note: I did sack him twice the last time I played him : ) haha

Video highlights: WWU
Video highlights: Battle in Seattle

Monday, May 3, 2010

Seahawks mini camp

Good morning family and friends!

Over the weekend we had our rookie-team mini camp and it was great. It was truly a blessing to be back on the field with the team competing and putting in some hard work. The weekend was full of physicals, team meetings, film, walk-throughs and practice. It was a long weekend but it was the best! I got the chance to get to know my fellow teammates and coaches a bit better as well as some of the in coming rookies and vets. Our special teams unit is a great group. Led by veteran kicker Olindo Mare, who was tagged franchise this season, punter Jon Ryan and Tom Malone and long snapper Pat MacDonald. Our coaches Brian Schneider and Jeff Ulbrich are full of energy, enthusiasm, and passion. We all learn from eachother and really gelled over these past 3 days, and will continue to do so. This unit will be very competetive this season.

Coach Carroll was on fire! He is such a motivator. He knows how to get the attention of the entire team and staff. On the field the entire coaching staff is running around like a wild pack of wolves, yelling, and sweating more than the players it seems. These coaches are so full of passion and determination and really know how to coach and get the best out of every single player no matter how long they've been playing the game. The structure of practice is geared towards non-stop action and teaching. Competition is everywhere and the team practices very hard and very fast. It is nearly game speed without pads and knocking people to the ground. A very noticable thing is the chemistry and positive attitude of the entire team.

I had a very solid camp. The coaches threw me into the scheme of things on day one. It wasnt anything I wasnt used to but it was still a big learning experience and Ive learned a lot over the past 3 days. The biggest thing is being able to progress each day, I believe I did that and yet there is still a lot of room for improvement. The feed back I recieved from my coaches was very positive. I am truly blessed to be back and given the opportunity to compete for the job.

Mini camp re-cap videos:
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

Over the next couple of weeks, we will continue with the off season lifting and conditioning program. The off season program runs until the end of June. OTA's (organized team activity) will happen in the next couple of weeks and will be spread out throughout the months of May and June. I am really excited to get into the program. I have heard nothing but positive things about coach Carlisle's program and everyone has seen great results. Time to work hard, prepare and progress to become the best player I can be!!! Thank you all for your continued love and support! GODbless

USC reunion:

Since the arrival of coach Carroll, the Seattle Seahawks have welcomed many former USC players and coaches into this new era of Seahawk football. Coach Carroll built a coaching staff which includes former USC coaches Ken Norton Jr, (linebackers), Brian Schneider (special teams), Jeremy Bates (offensive coordinator), and Rocky Seto (defensive quality control). Fromer players include, Lofa Tatupu (linebacker), Tom Malone (punter), Ryan Powdrell (fullback), Mike Williams (wide receiver), LenDale White, (running back), Anthony McCoy (tight end), Jeff Byers (offensive line), Will Harris (safety), and Josh Pinkard (corner back).

California connection:

As I sit in my locker I glace around the room at all the names of my teammates. Some I have known from my first time with Seattle in 2007 and some Ive known for a couple of years from the UFL and working out at free agent camps.

One very cool connection is with running back Louis Rankin. Louis is from Stockton, CA, about 15 mins from my home town of Tracy and he played high school ball at Lincoln high then moved onto the University of Washington. Louis and I played against eachother in high school and I still remember him running all over us at our homecoming. I believe they whopped us 50-something to nothing. It is so cool to think that far back and to see how far we have come! Louis's locker is to the right of mine.

To my left is running back Quinton Ganther. QG and I have the same agent Dave Canter. This is his first year with the Seahawks too and he is from Richmond, CA and played high school ball at Fairfield high. We faced Fairfield high at the University of Nevada-Reno football camp every summer. He was another back who easily ran all over us!

Tom Malone who is a punter played in the UFL with me last year, but he played for New York. Tom and I actually got signed to the UFL on the same day and we sat next to eachother on our connecting flight from Denver to Orlando. Tom is from Orange County and played at USC. He has had NFL stints with the New England Patriots. Again a cool connection. Small world huh?

There are several Californians on the team and I met a few rookies who flew in with me that hail from Northern California. Full back Mike Morales (UD-Davis), tight end Patrick Devenny (Colorado), and safety James Bradley (Utah State).